Create / Delete the windows service using command line


Imagine that we have to create the HP Service Manager service manually (maybe after you upgraded the OS and the default service was gone, so you have to re-create them again). There are some commands that you can use to bring back your services. Please try:

  1. Create the service: open the cmd (command prompt of Windows OR you can use Powell Shell ), type the following information:

sc.exe create sm940service binpath= “C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Service Manager 9.40\Server\RUN\smservice.exe” DisplayName= “HP Service Manager 9.40 Server”  ===> ENTER

sc.exe description sm940service “HP Service Manager 9.40 Windows Service”===> ENTER

So above commands will help you to create the service.

2. Delete the unused services: the following command will help you:

sc.exe delete sm711service

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